Here are the standard theme colors for various elements.
Regular paragraph content looks like this (standard font and size).
Menu Hover
text link
SPAN TEST for pawprint
I TEST for pawprint
Escaped HTML TEST for pawprint
H2 Centered with paw prints
H3 Centered with paw prints
This is a classic block with standard text and this text is a link.
This is centered text
Heading 2 uses color: #2c93ce; blue bold weight and was indented and wrapped after 30% of the page width…we will change that to no indent and no wrap in custom css
Heading 3 uses color: #2c93ce; blue bold weight
Heading 4 uses no color all uppercase and no Raleway font
Current color examples we may want to use for Headers and links
I think Theme pink is f58da8
Theme blue is 92cefc for H2
and darker is 288de2 which could be link color
Background pawprint image blue color code #b4dbfa
New 2020 site light blue code #92cefc ??
Light Blue background for blocks is #c7e9ff
Light Pink background for blocks is #fae3f0 (might try f8d2e6)
Light Pink background for blocks is #fae3f0 (might try f8d2e6)
Buttons should use the theme pink and theme blue and BOLD for the white text. Hover is black text.
class=”has-text-color has-pale-pink-color”
class=”has-text-color has-pale-pink-color” made bold
class=”has-text-color has-pale-cyan-blue-color”
class=”has-text-color has-pale-cyan-blue-color” made bold
#7eb8ea color description : pale cyan-blue/pale azure or 7ecaea color description or 7ec1ea color description
class=”has-text-color has-vivid-cyan-blue-color”
class=”has-text-color has-vivid-cyan-blue-color” made bold
#3d9ed6 color description : vivid cyan-blue
websafe 3399cc
darker 2c93ce USE FOR LINKS?
class=”has-text-color has-cyan-bluish-gray-color”another color
class=”has-text-color has-cyan-bluish-gray-color”another color made bold
Deb’s thoughts…
Make the menu hover and landing menus the BOLD pink
Make any text links use the vivid-cyan-blue and maybe bold
Make Heading 3 pale cyan blue BOLD
Reduce the size of Heading 2 and make it bold
So, for headings, they would be the same color but just different sizes
This block is currently using the color blue from the bfk background image, which is #b4dbfa
This block is currently using the color blue from the bfk background image, which is #b4dbfa but in BOLD
Adopt Now background-color: #f69fab;
#featured-post-9 article img:hover {
/* opacity: 0.8; */
border: solid 5px #f69fab;
theme pink #f69fab theme pink BOLD #f69fab
#E68FAC Light Thulian Pink
#EF98AA Mauvelous
#E4007C Mexican Pink
#F6ADC6 Nadeshiko Pink
#F28DCD Orchid Pink
#F984E5 Pale Magenta
#F49AC2 Pastel Magenta
#F77FBE Persian Pink
#FF66CC Rose Pink
H2 color: #acd9f5; H2 BOLD color: #acd9f5;
Link Underline color border-bottom: 1px solid #55acee;
.content .textwidget a:hover, .content .textwidget a:focus {
border-bottom: none;
color: #acd9f5;
#featured-post-9 article img:hover {
/* opacity: 0.8; */
border: solid 5px #f69fab;
blue #8ED1FC
body {
background-color: #eee;
color: #333;
a:hover {
color: #55acee;
/* Forms
——————————————— */
textarea {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
color 999
.entry-content a.more-link:hover {
background-color: #34313b;
border: 1px solid #34313b;
.site-container input[type=”submit”]:disabled:hover {
background-color: #ddd;
border-width: 0;
color: #777;
/* Display outline on focus */
:focus {
color: #222;
outline: #ddd solid 1px;
What is a verse block? Insert poetry. Use special spacing formats. Or quote song lyrics.
This is a media and text block with has-large-font-size css
What is a preformatted block? Add text that respects your spacing and tabs, and also allows styling.
This is a quote block…not sure we’d use this. Give quoted text visual emphasis. “In quoting others, we cite ourselves.” — Julio Cortázar
this is where the citation would go
This is a cover block