JJ Must Have:
- Someone who is home most of the time but but also has another dog. Adults or a family that have a single story home (or someone willing to carry me up and down stairs).
Experience Level:
- Have had dogs as an adult
- Recent/current dog experience
- Rescue experience a plus!
Hi Everyone,
I’m JJ, a very handsome, loveable, affectionate and appreciative senior Bichon. I’m a sweet and loyal guy who is patient (with other dogs and people), mellow and very friendly… the type of guy who loves everyone. (You should see me at the front door – I am quite the greeter!) but I do so in a quiet kind of way. I’m just happy to be safe and in a loving home once again.
One day, not so very long ago, my ‘original’ mom and dad had to move away – so they told me to be a brave boy and they took me to a shelter. They had me groomed and I looked very handsome – but no one came to get me as the shelter was very far away. I wondered if I would ever have a home of my own again – but I got lucky and became a FurKid. I wasn’t sure about the car ride at first because I didn’t know where I was going. But my foster Mom and Dad are really nice and very kind, so I started to relax.
When I got to my foster home the very best thing happened: there was another FurKid there. And I found a new buddy. His name is Bowie. Mom swears that I ‘talk’ to him – then we both wag our tails. She says that I am always gentle when I play with Bowie (He’s taller and younger than I am) but if you asked Bowie he’d say I’m always gentle and patient no matter what we are doing.
Dad calls me ‘a real gem.’ He says to tell you that I’m almost housebroken, sweet as can be and seem to know what I’m supposed to do (or not do.) For example, Dad says when Mom works on the computer I like to lay down near her and sleep contentedly while she works. I also know how to bark but only do so to get attention. I ride well in the car and am starting to walk again. I’m able to take longer and longer walks now. You see, before I became a FurKid I needed better nutrition and exercise than what I was getting. Now I take walks every day then get to sun in the backyard. Life is good!
And, according to Mom, I am the bestest and most loyal buddy she has ever known. She says I follow her throughout the house, quietly basking in her company. Then, when it’s dark, I go to the bedroom, walk over to the bed and stare at it – then up at Mom. Since Mom’s smart she figured out that I was asking if it’s time to go to sleep. And when she says yes, then I settle in for the night in the Big People’s Bed without another sound. I am, however, a bit of a bedhog – but a very cute one!
I’m hoping that you will note that I’m very mellow and easy to have around. Mom says I also understand her expressions as I don’t hear well any more – but when I look up at her with my big, brown soulful eyes I can get anything I want.
So if you are looking for a bichon with a lot of love to give, please complete an application and ask for me! I’ll be happily living life large and waiting to hear from you.
Your buddy in waiting,
Joyful and Joyous JJ